Arturito is a semi-slab font designed by Cristian Tournier, with upper and lower case glyphs.
The greatest virtue of this font is its readability in reduction, and the great personality of its glyphs due to its geometric structure and soft rounded edges. Looks great on headlines or highlights for magazines, books, posters and branding.

Cristian Tournier


1 Font, 339 Characters


ABCÇDEFG HIJKLMNÑ OPQRS TUVW XYZ abcçdefgh ijklmnñop qrstuvwxy záàåâäãé êèëïíìîöòó ôõùúûüæ áàåâäãéêè ëïíìîöòóôõù úûüæ&$€¥. …,;: _~=+ ÷−×±½¼¹²³ ([{<«#*•¶§ ™©®“ª”‘º’» >}])¡!¿?@% ‰


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